Climbing Wall development Instrucor


Its always a pleasure teaching and coaching on these courses.  They allow the course tutor to discuss advanced elements of the climbing game and to explain the added responsibility of working within the bounds of this scheme.   Candidates are therefore, expected to be operating at a higher level than either the Climbing Wall Instructor or the Rock Climbing Instructor and have a higher level of knowledge, experience and skill.

The Climbing Wall Development Instructor trains and assesses candidates in the skills required to develop climbers beyond the basic skills. This includes teaching lead climbing on indoor or outdoor artificial climbing walls and structures with fixed protection.

It builds on the skills gained through either the Climbing Wall Instructor or Rock Climbing Instructor schemes, one of which must be held in order to access this scheme.

This scheme used to be called Climbing Wall Leading Award which was revised following a review and relaunched under this new name on 2nd April, 2018.

Before attending training you must have an up to date logbook (preferably DLOG) with evidence of the following:
50 led routes - Climbed at 3 different major climbing walls.
Belayed a lead climber 50 times.
25 lead routes at grade F6a on indoor climbing walls.
20 supervising sessions after passing either Climbing Wall Instructor or Rock Climbing Instructor qualifications. At least 5 of these sessions must have personal reflective comments recorded on DLOG.

Before you book onto a Climbing Wall Development Instructor assessment, make sure you have done the following:

You must have attended a Climbing Wall Development Instructor (or Climbing Wall Leading Award) training course or have been granted exemption from training.
You must be familiar with the syllabus.
You must have logged a minimum of 100 different lead climbs, at least half of which must be a grade of French 6a or above at 3 different major climbing walls.
You must have assisted or observed at least 5 teaching leading sessions delivered by a suitably qualified person. These 5 sessions must have personal reflective comments recorded on DLOG. (For guidance see question 3 in the DLOG section on this page.)
You must have physically attended and completed (i.e. not online) a first aid course which involved at least one full day or eight hours of instruction and included an element of assessment.

If you can meet all of the above requirements, here's what to do next:

Log in to the Candidate Management System and register here for the Climbing Wall Development Instructor scheme (this costs £49)

A copy of the scheme handbook can be downloaded here free of charge


Training – 8 hours
Assessment – 6 hours

Training: Ratio 1:4 and 2: 8.  Climbing Wall Development Instructors should be competent in the following key areas, all of which will be covered, to a greater or lesser extent, during the training course.

Technical Competence (including equipment, belaying and personal skills)
Management and Decision Making (including planning, managing participants, decision making, knowledge and demonstration of techniques)
Teaching and Learning Skills
The Climbing Wall Environment (including access, etiquette and ethics)
Detailed information on each of the above topics can be found in the Climbing Wall Development Instructor handbook (here) and the onus is on you to be competent in all of them by the time you present yourself for assessment.

Assessment - As above over six hours.

Accommodation: This course is non-residential


At a variety of venues including: Sunderland Wall and Awesome Walls (Sheffield) 


Training: Course only - £110

Assessment: Course only - £110

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